Friday, 12 March 2010

Kalaripayattu techniques

Techniques [ atavu] in kalaripayattu are a combination of steps [ chuvadu] and stances [ vadivu].There are 5 steps and northern styles have 10 postures[ ashta vadivukal] .Each stance has its own power combination , function and set of techniques.All the eight postures are based on animals.1] elephant stance, 2] lion , 3] horse, 4]boar, 5] snake, 6]cat, 7] rooster, 8] fish, 9] peacock.

The steps are the 1] circular steps, 2] inside, 3] moving, 4] corner, 5] single leg steps.

While practicing the various exercises for physical control, the trainee has to move from one end of the kalari to the other and back length wise.For any movement the trainee has to stand first at the eastern end facing the west and then move to the western end doing the exercises.When he reaches the western end , he will turn back facing the east and reapeat the exercise necessary, till he reaches the eastern end. There again, he will turn back facing the west.In this way ,the exercises will go over and over again.

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